Archive | Droid

23 August 2010 ~ 2 Comments

What phone should I get?

“What phone should I get?” that’s a question I get quite a bit. For those that don’t know, I make apps for the iPhone as my day job and my main phone is the Motorola Droid on Verizon. So here is the answer I give- What provider do you use? Do you like them? Personally […]

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11 February 2010 ~ 0 Comments

How to unlock the Android Screen

How to unlock the Android Screen

I gave my Droid to a couple of people and they have not been able to figure out how to unlock it. Turns out Google can make bad UI designs like the rest of us. Now, I’m no expert on user interfaces, but I did just finish reading “The Design of Everyday Things” by Donald […]

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16 December 2009 ~ 0 Comments

Droid’s Got Mail

I mostly use my Gmail amount for emails and since the Droid has a Gmail app, I use that. One of my co-workers wanted to mess around with the Droid because he was thinking of getting one. Well, we use exchange at work so he wanted to see if it will work with my phone. […]

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10 November 2009 ~ 0 Comments

DROID vs iPhone locating tasty pastries

I had lunch with a co-worker today, and he wanted some tasty pastries from this restaurant Au Bon Pain. The problem was we didn’t know where there was one near us. Luckily he has an iPhone and I have my brand spanking new DROID. So we decided to see which device can direct us to […]

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